Wednesday, May 19, 2010


My little First Grader!! I am so proud of him!
Receiving his Kindergarten Certificate.

It feels like yesterday that it was his first day of school and I was in the hallway crying after Aaron and I walked him to class. He has learned so much. Today was Kindergarten Honor's Day and he received the Perfect Attendance Award, P.E. Award, AR award for having 10 or more points, Blast Off Award (all 220 words), and his Kindergarten Certificate. Afterwards his teacher passed each child a "bee award" on what she thinks each child will "bee" when they grow'll never guess what Micah got........COMEDIAN!!! So proud of Micah!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

AWANA Awards Night

Micah received a ribbon for finishing his book. Very proud of him!!

Lucah so cool in shades :)

Lucah and I were looking at a book and I asked him to point out sunglasses...he reached for mine instead :)

Happy Birthday Grandpa Jerry!!

Happy Mother's Day 2010

For Mother's Day Micah and Lucah cut roses from our back yard and put them in a vase and then made the me a card. Also received a gift certificate to the movies which Micah let me know he was taking me to see Iron Man 2...when I told him I had already seen it, he replied that he had not...haha.

Micah's First Field Day!!!

My first Field Day with Micah...
Sack race
Look at him go....

Micah's class with his teachers :)

Messy Baby!!

Lucah loves to feed himself!!