Monday, November 23, 2009


Working with Lucah on sippy cups (notice the two in the pics)...while I was on the phone with "B" he broke into his puffs...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

11 months...HE IS ALMOST ONE!!!

I loves this picture because of Lucah's expression as he is looking at me...I wonder what he is thinking???
Is my mommy about to put me in bed???
Is this daddeeee cause it is the only word I really say...or
Is there a bottle in her pocket???
Does she know that the clean diaper she just put on me is now dirty??
Does she know I am about to be ONE!!!
When I look at this picture I also remember when Micah wore the pjs that Lucah is wearing...
Where has the time gone...I feel like I just had him and now he is about to be ONE!!!

Lucah loves to happy!

Though it looks like he is crying...I promise he is laughing...he loves to bounce.

The Christmas Tree is up...

Lucah's first ornament from last year...Micah gets one every year from Aaron and I with his name and year on it. Since I had no clue that Lucah was gonna be here before Christmas last year, I did not have one ready for him. Thankfully "B" did.

I don't know when we started doing this but we have been putting the tree up the weekend before Thanksgiving...just seems things get crazy busy after Thanksgiving :) And plus Micah begs and begs for it to go up.

Notice our new hardwood floors....

Lucah almost 11mths old...
Aaron and his dad (Grandpa Jerry) put the hardwood floors in :)

My very first field trip with Micah...

Micah with his teacher Mrs. Cockrell (AKA Brooke Noles)...I used to go to school with her.

Micah's class...the busy bees

Micah with some friends from class.
We went to Uncle Tom's pumpkin patch...

Starwars at our house and then some...

Our boys all dressed up...

Frist stop was MaMa and PaPa's house
Proof that Darth Vader does have a mom...Micah is convinced that Darth Vader does not have a mom.
Second stop Dad, Penny and Kendall
our little yoda trying to walk

Third stop Grandpa Jerry and MiMi's house
Last stop Mom, Jack and Lauren's house
This year the boys dressed as Yoda and Darth Vader from starwars. We had planned on going to the chili cookoff and let them trick-or-treat there, but that did not happen because of the rain. So instead we just went by the families for our candy.

Soccer is over with till the next season...

He loves this game so much...but for the winter games he is gonna try basketball.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Carving the Pumpkin

Our Pumpkins!!!
Who weighs more Lucah or the Pumpkin??
Me with my boys...we had to hurry these pictures cause I had to get to work.
This picure will be framed...LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture of my guys!!!!

Western Day at EKMS

The little boy in front of him was Micah's trouble buddy...teachers had to seperate these two cause they kept getting in trouble when they were together.

Micah had western day at school. They squared danced in the gym to 6 different songs. I had a blast watching the kids. This picture is of Micah with his buddy Steve (also Micah's soccer buddy).

Lucah has a Walker

Lucah's new walker...he is cruising all over the house.

Wake Up Big Brother

Micah was asleep, but Lucah wanted him awake.

Our very first babysitter...

We have never had to have a babysitter cause we are very blessed to have family here to watch our kids. Here is Mckenzie, Lucah's first babysitter. Micah was mad cause he wanted to stay home from school so he could have one too.

More soccer pics

Taking a break with MiMi...

Our #7
It was so hot during this game...

My Big Man...

I love this big man so much....Micah tells me that he is big man and Lucah is little man :)

Happy Birthday MaMa B

MaMa B and Me
MaMa B and PaPa Larry
The cake
Sisters...Aunt JoJo and "B"

"B" with her kids (AKA mom and Uncle Gene)

Blowing her candles out...
The family...This is the first time in 14years that we got to celebrate MaMa B's birthday with her. She is usually in Missouri at this time, but she was able to come home and celebrate it with us.