I am so excited for Joe and Cindy...Garner's due date is May 30th. I get the honor of being his nurse when he gets here!!! Joe and Cindy with their host and hostesses for the baby shower...around 50 people showed up for this party!!!
I think Cindy practice this pose in the mirror. She is such a cute pregnant chick!
He finally got out :) We were in the soak zone, but we did not get wet.
Me with my boys waiting for the Shamu Show to start...
Micah made me ride the Shamu rollercoster, so I made him ride this with me. We are in the back, you can't see Micah cause his face is hiding behind my back...when we got off, he said never again.
The boys watching the dolphin show...The Shamu show didn't go great, cause the killer whales decided to swim in circles. They didn't want to perform and the trainers could not swim with them.
We colored our eggs outside. This was Lucah's second Easter, but the first time coloring eggs. As you can see in the pictures, he loved it. After we colored our eggs, we grilled hamburgers and had dinner outside too.
He has always walked up to the stairs, but he finally decided to climb them. What was so funny was that when he got close to the top, he saw his room, cried and headed back down the stairs. He didn't want to go to bed :)