Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Getting ready to go to bed...

Christmas Eve...

Christmas Eve Dinner at our house.

Keys, Prophetts, Foulks, and Thomas!

Christmas Ornaments...

Christmas ornament time...their names and year is on the ornaments with the theme of what they were interested in that year. Micah's is Darth Vader and Lucah's is Mickey Mouse.

Love this picture of my boys...

Love my boys!

December 17th...

Lucah's first birthday...Micah helping out his brother!

Christmas Musical at Rosemeont...

Practice, Practice, Practice....Every Sunday from 5pm-7pm.This was the last practice before the musical...
Getting ready for the musical...

Me and Micah after the musical...

Lynn and I

I have a blast working in children's Choir at Rosemont Baptist Church. We start in Aug and go till December working on our Christmas Musical. This year was special cause it was the first time that Micah was in the musical too.

Joe's Going Away Party

Joe is leaving for Alaska to work on a fishing boat...so right after Lucah's Party we turned it into a going away party for Joe :)

Lucah's First Birthday!!

Lucah's First Birthday!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!