Our Trip to Blue Ridge with our Sunday School Class 2007
Monday, April 28, 2008
A Baby in the Tummy

My son told me that his girlfriend had a baby in her tummy. I told him Lauren did not and he preceded with "she showed me her tummy"...LOL!! I will have to say at least they got the order right...they became boyfriend/girlfriend when they were two (yes 2), recently Lauren has told her mommy (Page) that her and Micah are gonna get married and Micah has told me the same thing. A couple of weeks ago Page told me that Lauren wanted Micah to spend the night (no we didn't let this happen). And now Lauren has a baby. I asked Page to give my son a running chance before she told Aaron (Lauren's Daddy).
Nursing Buddies!!
Living with an Asthmatic Child...
Micah woke up last night having trouble breathing, which in our case happens a lot and we treat it with his albuterol. If you saw my child trying to breath you would probably rush him to the ER, but for me it is almost normal to see him use those extra muscles to breath. So as I was holding him last night two hours after he had his treatment and I realized he was working even harder than usual. I counted his respirations and they were 55 breaths/min...WHAT??...the norm for a child his age is between 20-30 breaths/min. So I called the doctor's office and a nurse called me back and told me to do another breathing treatment and take him to the ER. She also asked me was he turning blue. I wanted so bad to say lady if he was turing blue we wouldn't be having this conversation!! So off to the ER for a visit (2am). They gave him a steroid to open up his lungs and checked his O2 stat, which was 93. They almost admitted him, but didn't and let him go home with Aaron and I since his O2 went up to 95. The next morning he is a different child from last night. He is running, playing wanting to eat. The meds don't even phase him most of the time. He can tell you almost what everyone will do for him (because he has had most of them before during other attacks) and he will even tell me how much he thinks he is supposed to get. He will say "Mom, the doctor said only 2puffs a day." He usually takes only two different meds a day, but right now we have to take 7 different meds untill he is cleared up. They even thought he might have pneumonia from the x-rays so they started him on antibiotics. I actually grabbed all the meds and went to my friend's house who is a pharmacist and asked her explain why he might need so many drugs and what time I should give them, cause there are so many. I pray that one day he will grow out of this cause his daddy was the same way and he was through with it by the age of four.
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